How to Turn Amazon Video Influencer into a Money-Making Machine

If you’ve ever wondered how influencers earn big commissions through Amazon, you’re in the right place. The Amazon Video Influencer program allows regular people to profit from product reviews on Amazon. In this guide, I’ll reveal the tips and tricks I’ve used to leverage this program and generate real income.

What is the Amazon Video Influencer Program?

The Amazon Video Influencer Program allows anyone to create video reviews of products they own and publish them on Amazon. When viewers watch your videos and purchase those products, you can earn commissions.

To get started, create an Amazon influencer account and build your virtual storefront. Start reviewing products you already own and use. Share details on features, pros/cons, and how you use the product.

The more videos you publish, the more chances for earning commissions. I now have over 700 videos and consistently earn from my reviews.

Research Top Selling Products

The key is reviewing bestselling items people are buying. My #1 tip is researching seasonal or trending products. For example, spring break, Easter, and summer are coming up. Search things like “spring break ideas” or think about spring home decor.

I recently searched for “spring wreaths” in the Amazon search bar. Look for keywords that auto-complete with lots of search volume. Then filter for products with high sales numbers, low Best Seller Rank (BSR), and good reviews. This indicates a hot item ideal for video reviews.

Use FluencerFruit to Analyze Listings

FluencerFruit is my secret weapon for researching products faster. It analyzes Amazon listings and shows key data like BSR, review count, sales velocity, and existing videos.

I filter for products with scores of 70+ to find good candidates. I look for low BSR, high review count, and NO existing video influencer videos. This improves your chances of ranking high and getting sales.

Create Helpful Review Videos

Once you’ve picked a promising product, order it yourself and create a helpful review focused on features and use cases. Show viewers how you actually use the product.

The goal is creating a video that ranks on the first page and top carousel of listings. This means more visibility and sales for you!

Get Approved and Start Earning

Submit your videos for Amazon approval. Once approved, your review can start generating commissions right away! It’s so satisfying to see your video rank high and make sales.

Rinse and repeat this process across multiple products, and it can become a highly lucrative business. The products sell themselves year after year, turning into passive income streams.

The Amazon Video Influencer program is life-changing if you use these tips. Let me know if you have any other questions!